Somebody asked me the other day, "Duncan... I haven't seen a blog post from you lately. Is everything okay?" Well, not exactly, but I'll be okay. When two loved ones are fighting cancer simultaneously it can take a major emotional toll on the body.
Within 3 months I've learned more about glioblastoma multiforma & adenocarcinoma than anyone should ever have to know. My feeling is, if you're learning about it, you've either got it or know someone who does.
I am going to apologize in advance for oversimplifying a topic that is highly complex. In fact, I'm going to challenge everyone to educate themselves on one of the biggest things you can do to protect yourself against cancer. That "thing" is what you eat and what you drink.
Too long have we accepted the ideology that, "If it is sold in a store, it must be okay to eat." We trust that someone is watching after us. Hmmm... doesn't it seem odd that the United States now has the highest cancer rate. Does it seem odd that 1 in 4 people, in the United States, will die from cancer. DIE from cancer! Do you understand what that statistic means? It doesn't mean 1 and 4 will get cancer. It means that within the 3 that live, it's because they either won't get cancer or they will get cancer, but will win the battle and die from something else.
Do you ever wonder why or how a seed that was genetically modified to resist Round Up was deemed safe. It's an ingenious invention, actually. Simply plant your corn or soybeans, don't do any traditional tilling or weeding, then douse the crops with Round Up and everything dies except the plant. In the meanwhile, you've got crops that have been soaked in Round Up. Corn in the cob anyone? Must be safe right?
Do enough research for yourself, and you'll discover that many of the things we put into our mouth have multi-billion dollar companies standing behind them. But, the government looks out for us, right? I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I do enjoy listening to them on Facebook while they rally their like minded enthusiasts. The truth is, the government consists of everyday individuals. Some of them have integrity, and some lack it like the Sahara does rain. What I'm saying is, a multi-billion dollar company can find many ways, using the right channels, to get their product to the end consumer.
There are literally hundreds of things that we do, blindly, that have been proven to cause cancer. The defense that most companies use is that there is not enough of this substance to cause cancer. In other words, the results are negligible. At what point does something no longer become negligible? And, what if we add up all the things we consume in a day that are "negligible", now we definitely have something that is no longer negligible, but now circumstantial.
Here are a dozen everyday items that you may expose to your body without ever considering the long term effects due to the ingredients that would be considered "negligible":
Chlorine in water
Mercury in teeth
Charred barbequed burgers
"Moderate" air quality
Refined sugar
These items either contain carcinogens, pesticides, harmful chemicals, or the animal in which you are consuming was loaded with antibiotics, growth hormones, and put on a diet that actually gives the animal health problems.
Again, I encourage everyone to do their own research so that you can become equally disgusted and invoke change for yourself, your loved ones, and everyone around you.
The change does not come from trying to regulate companies, and what they put in products. That's about as effective as printing out, and marking up a "Terms and Conditions" agreement from Google and sending it back for them to consider revising it. The most powerful way to make a difference is simply to support companies that use "Natural Farming" techniques or are labeled "Organic."
What sucks right now is that naturally grown or organic product is expensive. To switch over, you will spend 1.5 to 2x more on grocery shopping. This is why we're in this mess. Foods have been created to sit on store shelves for a long time. Farming techniques have been modified to pay less workers. Pastures are too small for the number of cows in the field, which leads to infection (thus leading to more antibiotics). Forget having any grass for the cows to graze on when their standing in 6 inches of their own fecal matter and mud, therefore they are fed a genetically engineered product. The same goes for the chickens!
The more people buy natural and organic products, the more these companies will become competitive and will be able to offer a better price. For the sake of our lives, our children's lives, and our grandchildren's lives, make the decision to support the right companies. Once these companies become more supported, they too will become competitive and their prices will go down.
In fact, it's already starting to happen. Mega giants like Wal-Mart and Costco are selling tons of organic products. Products you had to pay out the nose for at organic grocery stores. Believe me, these companies didn't decide on their own that selling natural and organic product that was more expensive was a brilliant idea. They did it because they are listening, and responding to the momentum that is being started by people like you and me!
Duncan Richardson
Vice President of Bodies in Motion
Chief Master Instructor of The Academy of World Taekwondo
Ph: 208.381.0587