Thursday, April 23, 2009

Halfway point around the corner!

Like I told everyone this morning, the halfway testing is nearing, you better start eating right:)!

Let me tell you the biggest mistake people make in this program. They eat like crap, or the same as they always have, then they justify it because they are doing these hard classes.

Do I need to preach? Okay, I will a little bit. Look, eating healthy is not hard, it just takes discipline. Competing in a Taekwondo competition is not hard, it just takes discipline. Give me 1 solid month of training, and I can have anyone tournament ready. My point is, we need to create habits of disciplined eating. Once it becomes a habit, it no longer requires self-discipline. It's easy, because it's a habit.

I can almost assure you that you are not going to be happy with your results if you are not focusing on our nutritional advice. I'm not trying to discourage you, but rather encourage you... encourage you to get rockin' and rollin' this next 5 weeks!

Now, I also know that many in the program are kickin' serious booty on training and nutrition. I can't wait to see your results next week!

Keep up the good work everyone, and we'll see you in class!


Duncan Richardson

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