Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Am I Getting Enough Calcium?

Here is a good question-

"I want to make sure I'm getting enough calcium in my diet. I'm not eating a lot of dairy, but am getting a lot of spinach and broccoli.

Any ideas?

Also, I am really enjoying the classes, I'm addicted!



I did some searching and found some information on the Readers Digest site. I will paste the link at the end if you would like to read the whole thing.

Because vitamin D plays a role in the body's absorption of calcium, consuming a sufficient amount is also crucially important and simple. Milk has been fortified with vitamin D, so if you drink milk you're getting enough. And, since your body makes vitamin D when exposed to the sun's rays, 15 to 30 minutes of sunlight on your face and hands two to three times a week will take care of it. If you don't drink milk and the weather is gloomy, take a multivitamin that includes vitamin D. But never use supplements of this single vitamin unless your doctor recommends them; too much vitamin D can be toxic.

Good Sources of Calcium
Although the optimal amount of calcium isn't known, "enough" according to the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences. Institute of Medicine, is 1,200 milligrams (mg) a day for adults over 50. The most readily available form of calcium is in dairy products.
But you can get calcium from many other foods as well. Tofu, if prepared with calcium sulfate, is an outstanding source. Just one-quarter of a block gives you a substantial 553 mg. Don't like tofu? Try whizzing it in a blender with some milk or juice, fresh fruit, and a bit of honey to make a nourishing and delicious smoothie. Leafy green vegetables, calcium-fortified fruit juices, canned sardines, and canned salmon with bones are all good sources. Even carrots and green peas contain calcium. To up your consumption of calcium in a way you won't even notice, add dry milk
to soups or sauces. Just one-quarter cup of dry milk provides 375 mg of calcium.

Calcium Readers Digest

Keep the questions coming!


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